About Us

Established 18 February 1953

Formerly known as
Greymouth Cine & Camera Club
Greymouth Camera Club

The Greymouth Photography Club is the largest photography club on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand.

We are centrally located in Greymouth with members from throughout the West Coast and a few from further afield. Our members are diverse in ability and experience, yet share an equal passion for their photography.

Our monthly club meetings can be attended in person or via Zoom. They are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm (January to November).

In-person meetings are held at the Byte Māwhera Digital Hub, 1A Guinness Street, Greymouth. During winter months (July and August), the monthly meetings are held on Zoom only.

The club offers members the following:


Our monthly meetings offer a range of programmes including practical sessions or tutorials, covering many topics from the basics of camera use through to the more advanced use of digital photography software, and guest speakers of varying photographic interests. Above all else, the meetings offer an opportunity to meet and share experiences with other photographers.


Our monthly competitions are a good way to both showcase your photographs and learn from the experience of the judges via their feedback on your images. They also provide an opportunity to view and be inspired by work from fellow photographers.


We run field trips to some great West Coast sites where you have the opportunity to capture many wonderful images and learn a thing or two from fellow photographers. Overnight (or longer) field trips are also occasionally made to places further afield.


Workshops covering various topics are held subject to demand and interest. Members are encouraged to ask for workshops to be held on any matter they wish to learn more about.


Our newsletter, Focal Point, is published monthly and contains news, articles, competition results, members’ photography and helpful hints.


We operate a members-only Facebook group which helps keep members connected between club activities and up-to-date on related topics.


Club members are welcome to post a small gallery of their photography on our club website. Check out the galleries here.


Photographic exhibitions are held occasionally by our club. These provide opportunities for members to publicly exhibit and sell their work.


Our club has been affiliated to the Photographic Society of New Zealand since 1955, providing members with benefits such as receiving PSNZ’s monthly newsletter (CameraTalk) and the opportunity to apply for photographic honours to the level of Licientiateship (LPSNZ). The affiliation also keeps our club up-to-date with the latest photographic news, events and competitions from around New Zealand.


Our club has been a member of the Photographic Society of America since 2020 and enjoys participating in the interclub competitions alongside other clubs from around the world, through which members have the opportunity to win individual awards.

If you’re interested in what the Greymouth Photography Club can do for you, come along to a couple of our monthly meetings at 7:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Our programme can be downloaded from the website and meeting details will be posted prior to each meeting.

All welcome.